1. Send your Inquiry from the Inquiry Page it to us
Please find UR apartments. Send an inquiry of apartments and write which UR apartments you are interested in “Your request details”
2. We will contact you.
We will e-mail or phone you apartments information based on the information you provided.
3. Chose an apartment
Please chose apartments you would like to visit. We will explain the process to apply for UR apartments in English.
4. Visit a UR apartment
Make an arrangement to visit UR apartments. We can visit UR apartments on this day by submitting UR Apartment Application Form
5. Submit UR Apartment Application Form to Urban Renessance Agency
Chose one apartment you would like to move in. And prepare necessary documents and submit to Urban Renessance Agency. We will explain how to get necessary documents to apply.
6. Sign a lease contract
Urban Renessance Agency will explain the details of the lease contract and other procedure to move in. If you need English support, we will help you for free of charge.